Twisting lunge
A. Stand with feet parallel, arms at sides. Take a large step backward with left foot.
B. Turn so your upper body faces all the way to the left, and pivot both feet so your left foot faces forward and your right foot faces out (heel of left foot is perpendicular to right). Lower hands toward floor over left leg, being careful to keep left knee in line with left ankle. Pivot back to center and repeat on opposite leg. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides.
This one move works your arms, core, legs, and bottom.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart,
holding a 5- to 10-pound dumbbell in each hand,
elbows bent 90 degrees, with palms facing forward.
Keeping chest up, squat down.
As you lift back up through glutes, twist body to the left, allowing feet to pivot so that right heel lifts off the floor. At the same time, press dumbbells overhead. Return to start. Switch sides and repeat. Do 16 reps, alternating sides. Do 3 sets.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
The Special One....
This workout...taxes your cardiovascular system while at the same time building up your strength and muscle endurance...the only equipment needed for this is a DICE and more important GUTS to get it done..
Stage 1.... Roll the dice to get your excerice..follow this guide 6 numbers 6 excercises
1.. Push ups
2.. Squat " body weighted "
3.. Moutain climber
4.. sit up / crunches
5.. Jumping Jacks
6.. Lunge ( alternating leg to leg )
Stage 2.
Roll the dice again to get the number of sets..what happens if you roll the same number on the second roll that u did on the could get interesting.
each routine should be done to 20 reps if possible, well thats if you can make it through the challange that is.
Have Fun peeps
Stage 1.... Roll the dice to get your excerice..follow this guide 6 numbers 6 excercises
1.. Push ups
2.. Squat " body weighted "
3.. Moutain climber
4.. sit up / crunches
5.. Jumping Jacks
6.. Lunge ( alternating leg to leg )
Stage 2.
Roll the dice again to get the number of sets..what happens if you roll the same number on the second roll that u did on the could get interesting.
each routine should be done to 20 reps if possible, well thats if you can make it through the challange that is.
Have Fun peeps
Treadmill workout...september month/new challange
Set treadmill incline at 1.0% and warm up for 5 min at 60% of maximum heart rate
Raise incline to 2.0% and run 1 minute at 80-85% of maximum heart rate
Run 1 minute at 55-60% of maximum heart rate
Continue alternating these two intervals for 20minutes at the very least....
again have fun and once again it will make a difference thats a promise
Raise incline to 2.0% and run 1 minute at 80-85% of maximum heart rate
Run 1 minute at 55-60% of maximum heart rate
Continue alternating these two intervals for 20minutes at the very least....
again have fun and once again it will make a difference thats a promise
New September Cardio Workout
Jump Rope 1 Min without resting,
Do 30 push ups for 30 secondswithout resting
Jump rope for 30 secondswithout resting
Do push ups for 30 seconds rest 1 minute and repeat.
Continue in this fashion for 20 minutes of total work.... does make a difference i can assure you of that
Do 30 push ups for 30 secondswithout resting
Jump rope for 30 secondswithout resting
Do push ups for 30 seconds rest 1 minute and repeat.
Continue in this fashion for 20 minutes of total work.... does make a difference i can assure you of that
Thursday, 26 August 2010
4 Week Ultimate Female Fitness Routine
Part 1....
Whole Body Circuit training
do the weighted workout 3 x a week...either or tues..thurs..saturday
before each workout, warm up for at least 5 min to 10 min using treadmill, bike, or any other machine of your choosing...or if you want to make it simple running on the spot..or jumping jacks should do the trick.
preform these exercises in circuit fashion...resting 2 min after each circuit and do this for 3 sets.
on non weight training days do at least 30 min of walking or cycling at a low intensity 60/70% of maximum heart rate.
alternative body weighted squat 3 sets 15 .. 15 .. 20 reps to finish on final set
alternative Bench press
SHOULD PRESS ( machine )
alternitive seated dumbell shoulder press
alterntive Bench Dips
finish with stretching for 10 minutes at the end.....
Thats it stage 1 complete
Whole Body Circuit training
do the weighted workout 3 x a week...either or tues..thurs..saturday
before each workout, warm up for at least 5 min to 10 min using treadmill, bike, or any other machine of your choosing...or if you want to make it simple running on the spot..or jumping jacks should do the trick.
preform these exercises in circuit fashion...resting 2 min after each circuit and do this for 3 sets.
on non weight training days do at least 30 min of walking or cycling at a low intensity 60/70% of maximum heart rate.
alternative body weighted squat 3 sets 15 .. 15 .. 20 reps to finish on final set
alternative Bench press
SHOULD PRESS ( machine )
alternitive seated dumbell shoulder press
alterntive Bench Dips
finish with stretching for 10 minutes at the end.....
Thats it stage 1 complete
Monday, 28 June 2010
Routine of the week
50metre ROW
1000Metre ROW
100 Press ups
Try this routine for a month to see how much can achieve by doing this plan
50metre ROW
1000Metre ROW
100 Press ups
Try this routine for a month to see how much can achieve by doing this plan
Thursday, 10 June 2010
New Workout Plan of the week
Have Been Using this routine with a couple of clients in the last few weeks and it seems to be a real winner... if you fancy a challange have a go at this and let me know if anything happens
Treadmill – running for eight minutes at 6.5mph to warm the legs up for intensive leg work
Bodyweight squats: A few sets of 2–25 squats, followed by dumbbell rows while in squat position
Reverse Lunges: 2 – 3 sets per leg of 12 lunges
Squat Jumps - plyometric set of squats with a dynamic jump up afterwards.
Bicep Curls while standing in a Lunge position – 18 reps. This is supersetted with;
Lateral Raises from a Lunge Position (switch leg position) 1 set of 18 reps. This superset is done for 3 sets
Dumbbell Triceps Extension (laying on back): 2 – 3 sets of 20 reps
Treadmill – running for eight minutes at 6.5mph
Incline Crunches: 20 reps
Prone Kneeling Leg Extensions: 2-3 sets per leg x 18 reps per set
Treadmill: 7 minutes of gentle jogging to cool down
Forward Lunges: 2 – 3 sets of 20 reps
Travelling (walking) Lunges: These are just lunges but instead of staying in place you walk across the room. If this is too easy, try doing it holding a pair of dumbbells at your side.
Treadmill – running for eight minutes at 6.5mph to warm the legs up for intensive leg work
Bodyweight squats: A few sets of 2–25 squats, followed by dumbbell rows while in squat position
Reverse Lunges: 2 – 3 sets per leg of 12 lunges
Squat Jumps - plyometric set of squats with a dynamic jump up afterwards.
Bicep Curls while standing in a Lunge position – 18 reps. This is supersetted with;
Lateral Raises from a Lunge Position (switch leg position) 1 set of 18 reps. This superset is done for 3 sets
Dumbbell Triceps Extension (laying on back): 2 – 3 sets of 20 reps
Treadmill – running for eight minutes at 6.5mph
Incline Crunches: 20 reps
Prone Kneeling Leg Extensions: 2-3 sets per leg x 18 reps per set
Treadmill: 7 minutes of gentle jogging to cool down
Forward Lunges: 2 – 3 sets of 20 reps
Travelling (walking) Lunges: These are just lunges but instead of staying in place you walk across the room. If this is too easy, try doing it holding a pair of dumbbells at your side.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Strengthen Your Stride: Cross-Training for Runners
these cross-training strength moves will help you run faster and reduce your risk of injury.
Do two sets of these moves twice a week [once on a rest day] to train your supporting muscles, reduce the risk of injury, and up performance,
Hands-Up Lunge
Targets: Hips, butt, quads, and hamstrings
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms overhead, palms facing each other.
Lunge forward with left leg, bending knees 90 degrees.
Step back to start position; switch legs and repeat.
Do 20 reps, alternating legs.
Plank Flip
Targets: Back, abs, butt, and hamstrings
Start in plank. Lift right leg; lower. Lift left leg; lower. Do 5 reps each side.
Flip over to face up, legs together and extended, arms bent by sides, forearms on floor, torso lifted.
Lift hips a few inches. Lift right leg; lower. Lift left leg; lower. Do 5 reps each side.
Single-Leg Squat
Targets: Butt and quads
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides.
Lift right foot a few inches behind you and squat as you lift extended arms to shoulder level in front of you.
Straighten left leg and lower arms. Do 10 reps, keeping right foot lifted.
Switch legs; repeat.
Do two sets of these moves twice a week [once on a rest day] to train your supporting muscles, reduce the risk of injury, and up performance,
Hands-Up Lunge
Targets: Hips, butt, quads, and hamstrings
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms overhead, palms facing each other.
Lunge forward with left leg, bending knees 90 degrees.
Step back to start position; switch legs and repeat.
Do 20 reps, alternating legs.
Plank Flip
Targets: Back, abs, butt, and hamstrings
Start in plank. Lift right leg; lower. Lift left leg; lower. Do 5 reps each side.
Flip over to face up, legs together and extended, arms bent by sides, forearms on floor, torso lifted.
Lift hips a few inches. Lift right leg; lower. Lift left leg; lower. Do 5 reps each side.
Single-Leg Squat
Targets: Butt and quads
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides.
Lift right foot a few inches behind you and squat as you lift extended arms to shoulder level in front of you.
Straighten left leg and lower arms. Do 10 reps, keeping right foot lifted.
Switch legs; repeat.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Quick & Intense Cardio workout
Quickie Cardio
Total time: 16 (advanced) to 29 (beginner) minutes but could be less/ or i could be more depending on indervidual
It's easy: Speed up for the number of seconds listed for your level, then go at an easy pace for a minute or two to recover. Repeat 8 times for a complete cardio session.
Warm up for 5 minutes: 3 minutes light walk or jog > 30 seconds at half effort > 30 seconds light walk or jog > 30 seconds at 75 percent of maximum effort > 30 seconds light walk or jog
Choose one of the levels below and repeat 8 times to complete your session.
60-second jog
120-second walk
30-second sprint
60- to 90-second walk
20-second all-out
60-second walk
Total time: 16 (advanced) to 29 (beginner) minutes but could be less/ or i could be more depending on indervidual
It's easy: Speed up for the number of seconds listed for your level, then go at an easy pace for a minute or two to recover. Repeat 8 times for a complete cardio session.
Warm up for 5 minutes: 3 minutes light walk or jog > 30 seconds at half effort > 30 seconds light walk or jog > 30 seconds at 75 percent of maximum effort > 30 seconds light walk or jog
Choose one of the levels below and repeat 8 times to complete your session.
60-second jog
120-second walk
30-second sprint
60- to 90-second walk
20-second all-out
60-second walk
20 min home cardio circuit
March in place for 3 minutes (360 steps)
60 Jumping Jacks
March 1 minute (120 steps)
60 Jumping Jacks
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts*
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts
March 1 minute
60 Jumping Jacks
March 1 minute
60 Jumping Jacks
March in place 2 minutes to cool down
Jumping Jacks
*From standing, crouch down, place palms on floor, jump legs back into full push-up position, then jump legs back to crouch pose and stand up. Repeat.
March in place for 3 minutes (360 steps)
60 Jumping Jacks
March 1 minute (120 steps)
60 Jumping Jacks
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts*
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts
March 1 minute
30 Squat-Thrusts
March 1 minute
60 Jumping Jacks
March 1 minute
60 Jumping Jacks
March in place 2 minutes to cool down
Jumping Jacks
*From standing, crouch down, place palms on floor, jump legs back into full push-up position, then jump legs back to crouch pose and stand up. Repeat.
4week Cardio Plan
Do this routine on the treadmill or elliptical, or walk or run outside.
Try 35 minutes of longer bursts.
5 minutes: Warm up at an easy RPE 4 pace.
2 minutes: Go at a moderate RPE 5 pace.
3 minutes: Pick it up to a brisk RPE 7 pace.
2 minutes: Back to RPE 5.
4 minutes: Speed up to RPE 7.
2 minutes: RPE 5
5 minutes: RPE 7
2 minutes: RPE 5
6 minutes: RPE 7
4 minutes: Cool down at an easy RPE 4.
Calories burned: 153 (walk) to 373 (run)
Try 35 minutes of longer bursts.
5 minutes: Warm up at an easy RPE 4 pace.
2 minutes: Go at a moderate RPE 5 pace.
3 minutes: Pick it up to a brisk RPE 7 pace.
2 minutes: Back to RPE 5.
4 minutes: Speed up to RPE 7.
2 minutes: RPE 5
5 minutes: RPE 7
2 minutes: RPE 5
6 minutes: RPE 7
4 minutes: Cool down at an easy RPE 4.
Calories burned: 153 (walk) to 373 (run)
Monday, 10 May 2010
Total body toning routine 4 week plan
Squat with Leg Lift
Targets: Butt and legs
Stand about 3 feet behind a chair with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, arms by sides.
Lower into a squat as you bend forward from hips and reach arms to lightly hold seat back in front of you so that your back and arms are parallel to floor. (Keep shoulders down so that blades kiss in back and knees behind toes; squat no lower than 90 degrees.)
Shoulder Rotation
Target: Shoulders
Stand with feet hip-width apart and raise straight arms directly out to sides slightly below shoulder level, palms facing up and fingers spread apart.
Keeping arms stretched out to sides and without twisting wrists, rotate arms forward at shoulder joint until palms face behind you. Really reach outward with fingertips throughout move and keep shoulders down.
Rotate arms back to start position to complete 1 rep.
Iron Jumping Jack
Targets: Shoulders, abs, and legs
Stand with feet together, holding a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent so that weights are in front of shoulders, palms facing each other.
Jump feet out to sides, landing with feet wide, as you press dumbbells overhead to form a V-shape with arms.
Lower weights to shoulders as you jump feet together.
Do 30 reps.
Scissor Crunch
Targets: Abs and obliques
Lie faceup on floor, legs extended with toes pointed, right leg crossed over left at ankles.
Place hands lightly behind head, elbows bent out to sides, and pull in abs as you crunch up.
Do 10 reps. Switch legs (cross left leg over right) and repeat.
Plank Reach
Targets: Back, abs, and obliques
Start on floor in plank position, balancing on forearms and toes, forming a straight line from head to heels.
Lift right arm off floor and extend it forward at shoulder height as you lift left leg behind you so that it's parallel to floor, toes pointed. Hold for 10 counts, then lower to return to plank. (MAKE IT EASIER: Raise right arm, hold for 10 counts, lower. Raise left leg, hold for 10 counts, lower.)
Switch sides and repeat to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.
Targets: Butt and legs
Stand about 3 feet behind a chair with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, arms by sides.
Lower into a squat as you bend forward from hips and reach arms to lightly hold seat back in front of you so that your back and arms are parallel to floor. (Keep shoulders down so that blades kiss in back and knees behind toes; squat no lower than 90 degrees.)
Shoulder Rotation
Target: Shoulders
Stand with feet hip-width apart and raise straight arms directly out to sides slightly below shoulder level, palms facing up and fingers spread apart.
Keeping arms stretched out to sides and without twisting wrists, rotate arms forward at shoulder joint until palms face behind you. Really reach outward with fingertips throughout move and keep shoulders down.
Rotate arms back to start position to complete 1 rep.
Iron Jumping Jack
Targets: Shoulders, abs, and legs
Stand with feet together, holding a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent so that weights are in front of shoulders, palms facing each other.
Jump feet out to sides, landing with feet wide, as you press dumbbells overhead to form a V-shape with arms.
Lower weights to shoulders as you jump feet together.
Do 30 reps.
Scissor Crunch
Targets: Abs and obliques
Lie faceup on floor, legs extended with toes pointed, right leg crossed over left at ankles.
Place hands lightly behind head, elbows bent out to sides, and pull in abs as you crunch up.
Do 10 reps. Switch legs (cross left leg over right) and repeat.
Plank Reach
Targets: Back, abs, and obliques
Start on floor in plank position, balancing on forearms and toes, forming a straight line from head to heels.
Lift right arm off floor and extend it forward at shoulder height as you lift left leg behind you so that it's parallel to floor, toes pointed. Hold for 10 counts, then lower to return to plank. (MAKE IT EASIER: Raise right arm, hold for 10 counts, lower. Raise left leg, hold for 10 counts, lower.)
Switch sides and repeat to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Creating Tonned ways of making it possible
Here's my formula for creating tonned arms
1. Antagonist Workouts - Antagonist training refers to working opposing muscle groups in the same workout. There are many methods to manipulate a workout, but I've had great success performing a biceps exercise, immediately followed by a triceps exercise. For example, if you're performing three sets of dumbbell curls and three sets of triceps dumbbell extensions, you would perform the curl movement, and after completing the goal reps, immediately go to the triceps exercise. Wait a bit and then continue the cycle (biceps exercise followed by triceps). This allows you to use more weight poundage because the opposing muscle group gets a bit of a "rest" as you work the other muscle. This is my all-time favorite way to work arms, and I've had my best success with clients using this method.
2. Time Between Sets - I've found that arms respond quite well with a 45-to 60-second rest between sets. Using our antagonist workout example: in point #1 - After performing the biceps curl and triceps extension, one would wait no more then 45 seconds and then repeat the cycle. People tend to wait longer, or they repeat a set too soon. There has to be some time allotted for recovery, but not so much that you begin to get stale. This allows you to do more work in less time and pumps blood volume into the arm.
3. The Tweak - This special move is for the biceps muscles, not the triceps (back of the arm). The tweak refers to a simple move that will provide great results. For example, when performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell, most people will curl the weight up towards the upper arm and then return to the starting position and repeat. The fact is, they missed a critical move. When curling the dumbbell to the upper arm, you should turn the 'pinky' finger and wrist in the direction outside of the shoulder area as you approach the top part of the movement. This slight tweak provides a perfect biceps contraction and you'll definitely feel and see results from it. The entire movement - Curl -and-tweak is one movement, so don't separate them.
4. Specialization Days - Although I did make the initial comment that one should always strive for a symmetrical appearance, I also believe that using a specialized approach for specific periods provides great value. For example, for a four- to six -week period, add three to four additional sets for your biceps and your triceps in one of your weekly sessions. Don't try this in every workout because you'll simply over work them. Just one day per week, try adding volume (more sets). This will force your arms to adapt to an increase in overload. If you have time, you can even just add an additional workout day and make it just an arm workout session (no other muscle groups) for four to six weeks.
5. Lower Body Fat - You won't get great- looking arms with elevated body fat levels. Sometimes some of my new female clients tell me that they hate the flab on the back of their arms and want to know what exercises will make the arms sleek. It doesn't quite work like that. As you perform your arm exercises and as you reduce body fat through a slight calorie reduction with added cardiovascular exercise, - you'll see your arms develop the way you want them to. The muscles will develop slightly from your workouts, and your reduced body fat will then create sleek muscles.
1. Antagonist Workouts - Antagonist training refers to working opposing muscle groups in the same workout. There are many methods to manipulate a workout, but I've had great success performing a biceps exercise, immediately followed by a triceps exercise. For example, if you're performing three sets of dumbbell curls and three sets of triceps dumbbell extensions, you would perform the curl movement, and after completing the goal reps, immediately go to the triceps exercise. Wait a bit and then continue the cycle (biceps exercise followed by triceps). This allows you to use more weight poundage because the opposing muscle group gets a bit of a "rest" as you work the other muscle. This is my all-time favorite way to work arms, and I've had my best success with clients using this method.
2. Time Between Sets - I've found that arms respond quite well with a 45-to 60-second rest between sets. Using our antagonist workout example: in point #1 - After performing the biceps curl and triceps extension, one would wait no more then 45 seconds and then repeat the cycle. People tend to wait longer, or they repeat a set too soon. There has to be some time allotted for recovery, but not so much that you begin to get stale. This allows you to do more work in less time and pumps blood volume into the arm.
3. The Tweak - This special move is for the biceps muscles, not the triceps (back of the arm). The tweak refers to a simple move that will provide great results. For example, when performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell, most people will curl the weight up towards the upper arm and then return to the starting position and repeat. The fact is, they missed a critical move. When curling the dumbbell to the upper arm, you should turn the 'pinky' finger and wrist in the direction outside of the shoulder area as you approach the top part of the movement. This slight tweak provides a perfect biceps contraction and you'll definitely feel and see results from it. The entire movement - Curl -and-tweak is one movement, so don't separate them.
4. Specialization Days - Although I did make the initial comment that one should always strive for a symmetrical appearance, I also believe that using a specialized approach for specific periods provides great value. For example, for a four- to six -week period, add three to four additional sets for your biceps and your triceps in one of your weekly sessions. Don't try this in every workout because you'll simply over work them. Just one day per week, try adding volume (more sets). This will force your arms to adapt to an increase in overload. If you have time, you can even just add an additional workout day and make it just an arm workout session (no other muscle groups) for four to six weeks.
5. Lower Body Fat - You won't get great- looking arms with elevated body fat levels. Sometimes some of my new female clients tell me that they hate the flab on the back of their arms and want to know what exercises will make the arms sleek. It doesn't quite work like that. As you perform your arm exercises and as you reduce body fat through a slight calorie reduction with added cardiovascular exercise, - you'll see your arms develop the way you want them to. The muscles will develop slightly from your workouts, and your reduced body fat will then create sleek muscles.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Treadmill workouts: Training programs 5 different routines to choose from
The following treadmill workouts have been planned to help improve not only overall fitness but also speed, running power and 'race pace'.
Time Workout 1 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
5 minutes Perform 30 seconds sprints at close to your maximal rate followed by 30 seconds active rest working at your warm up pace. Repeat 5 times. 80 - 95%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Workout 2 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
20 minutes Perform 15 seconds of near maximal sprints followed by 45 seconds active rest working at your warm up pace. 80 - 90%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Workout 3 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
20 minutes Perform 1 minute intervals of fast running followed by a 1 minute slower jog or walk. Repeat for the desired time. 75 - 85%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Workout 4 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
30 minutes Jog or run at a constant pace for the desired time. 85%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Fartlek workout Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
20 minutes Change the pace as and when you like. However, make sure you perform a good number of short sprints and fast paced runs as well as lower level recovery jogs. 75 - 95%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace.
Time Workout 1 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
5 minutes Perform 30 seconds sprints at close to your maximal rate followed by 30 seconds active rest working at your warm up pace. Repeat 5 times. 80 - 95%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Workout 2 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
20 minutes Perform 15 seconds of near maximal sprints followed by 45 seconds active rest working at your warm up pace. 80 - 90%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Workout 3 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
20 minutes Perform 1 minute intervals of fast running followed by a 1 minute slower jog or walk. Repeat for the desired time. 75 - 85%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Workout 4 Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
30 minutes Jog or run at a constant pace for the desired time. 85%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace. 70%
Time Fartlek workout Heart rate
5 minutes Slowly build to to 50% of your sprinting level. 70%
20 minutes Change the pace as and when you like. However, make sure you perform a good number of short sprints and fast paced runs as well as lower level recovery jogs. 75 - 95%
5 minutes Cool down - Reduce your speed to a little less than your warm up pace.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
2000 Calorie 7 day week treadmill challange
Burn at least 2,000 Calories on the Treadmill
Stay slim on your treadmill with this 7-day plan fitness plan
MondayPower walk: 30 minutes Strength-train: 20 minutes Total: 50 minutes
TuesdayWarm up: Walk easily, then briskly: 3 minutes Power walk: 2 minutes Run fast (but don't sprint): 2 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 10 times Cool down: Walk easily: 2 minutes Total: 45 minutes
WednesdayWarm up: Walk easily: 5 minutes Do your favorite strength-training move: 12 reps Power walk at 4% to 6% incline: 3 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 6 times Cool down: Walk easily: 5 minutes Total: 40 minutes
ThursdayWarm up: Walk easily, then briskly: 3 minutesPower walk: 2 minutes Run fast (but don't sprint): 2 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 6 times Cool down: Walk easily: 3 minutes Total: 30 minutes
FridayRepeat Monday's routine
SaturdayWarm up: Walk easily, then briskly: 5 minutes Power walk: 2 minutes Run fast (but don't sprint): 4 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 6 times Cool Down: Walk easily: 4 minutes Total: 45 minutes
Stay slim on your treadmill with this 7-day plan fitness plan
MondayPower walk: 30 minutes Strength-train: 20 minutes Total: 50 minutes
TuesdayWarm up: Walk easily, then briskly: 3 minutes Power walk: 2 minutes Run fast (but don't sprint): 2 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 10 times Cool down: Walk easily: 2 minutes Total: 45 minutes
WednesdayWarm up: Walk easily: 5 minutes Do your favorite strength-training move: 12 reps Power walk at 4% to 6% incline: 3 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 6 times Cool down: Walk easily: 5 minutes Total: 40 minutes
ThursdayWarm up: Walk easily, then briskly: 3 minutesPower walk: 2 minutes Run fast (but don't sprint): 2 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 6 times Cool down: Walk easily: 3 minutes Total: 30 minutes
FridayRepeat Monday's routine
SaturdayWarm up: Walk easily, then briskly: 5 minutes Power walk: 2 minutes Run fast (but don't sprint): 4 minutes Repeat Steps 1 & 2: 6 times Cool Down: Walk easily: 4 minutes Total: 45 minutes
Burn 500 Calories with Treadmill Intervals
Try this running workout, Be sure to keep the incline of your treadmill at 1 percent throughout the workout. If the pace seems too fast, modify to suit your fitness level.
Minutes Pace
0:00-10:00 Warm-up jog; 5.0 MPH.
10:00-10:20 Sprint at 7.5 MPH.
10:20-11:20 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
11:20-14:00 Repeat minutes 10:00-11:20 twice.
14:00-17:00 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
17:00-27:00 Run at 6.5 MPH.
27:00-31:00 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
31:00-35:00 Run at 6.5 MPH.
35:00-39:00 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
39:00-55:00 Repeat minutes 31:00-39:00 twice.
55:00-60:00 Gradually slow pace to cool down at jog/walk.
Minutes Pace
0:00-10:00 Warm-up jog; 5.0 MPH.
10:00-10:20 Sprint at 7.5 MPH.
10:20-11:20 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
11:20-14:00 Repeat minutes 10:00-11:20 twice.
14:00-17:00 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
17:00-27:00 Run at 6.5 MPH.
27:00-31:00 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
31:00-35:00 Run at 6.5 MPH.
35:00-39:00 Jog at 5.0 MPH.
39:00-55:00 Repeat minutes 31:00-39:00 twice.
55:00-60:00 Gradually slow pace to cool down at jog/walk.
The 20-Minute, 300-Calorie Treadmill Challenge
To get your best body in less time, try this 20-minute run-walk, You'll blast fat and calories and tone your lower body.
Minutes: 0:00-3:00 MPH: 3.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 3:00-3:30 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 2
Minutes: 3:30-4:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 4
Minutes: 4:00-4:30 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 6
Minutes: 4:30-5:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 7
Minutes: 5:00-6:00 MPH: 4.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 7:00-7:30 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 2
Minutes: 7:30-8:00 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 4
Minutes: 8:00-8:30 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 6
Minutes: 8:30-9:00 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 7
Minutes: 9:00-10:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 1
Minutes: 10:00-11:00 MPH: 6.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 11:00-12:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 1
Minutes: 12:00-12:30 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 2
Minutes: 12:30-13:00 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 4
Minutes: 13:00-13:30 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 6
Minutes: 13:30-14:00 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 7
Minutes: 14:00-16:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 1
Minutes: 16:00-17:00 MPH: 6.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 17:00-20:00 MPH: 3.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 0:00-3:00 MPH: 3.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 3:00-3:30 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 2
Minutes: 3:30-4:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 4
Minutes: 4:00-4:30 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 6
Minutes: 4:30-5:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 7
Minutes: 5:00-6:00 MPH: 4.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 7:00-7:30 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 2
Minutes: 7:30-8:00 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 4
Minutes: 8:00-8:30 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 6
Minutes: 8:30-9:00 MPH: 4.5 Incline: 7
Minutes: 9:00-10:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 1
Minutes: 10:00-11:00 MPH: 6.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 11:00-12:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 1
Minutes: 12:00-12:30 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 2
Minutes: 12:30-13:00 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 4
Minutes: 13:00-13:30 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 6
Minutes: 13:30-14:00 MPH: 5.0 Incline: 7
Minutes: 14:00-16:00 MPH: 3.5 Incline: 1
Minutes: 16:00-17:00 MPH: 6.0 Incline: 1
Minutes: 17:00-20:00 MPH: 3.0 Incline: 1
Monday, 22 March 2010
Workout of the day
Stand with feet parallel, arms at sides. Take a large step backward with left foot.
Turn so your upper body faces all the way to the left, and pivot both feet so your left foot faces forward and your right foot faces out (heel of left foot is perpendicular to right). Lower hands toward floor over left leg, being careful to keep left knee in line with left ankle. Pivot back to center and repeat on opposite leg. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides
Stand with feet parallel, arms at sides. Take a large step backward with left foot.
Turn so your upper body faces all the way to the left, and pivot both feet so your left foot faces forward and your right foot faces out (heel of left foot is perpendicular to right). Lower hands toward floor over left leg, being careful to keep left knee in line with left ankle. Pivot back to center and repeat on opposite leg. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides
Monday, 8 March 2010
Skipping workout
20 minute Skipping Programme
This workout incorporates all of the techniques and tricks that we have outlined. Skipping for 20 minutes will elevate the heart rate, working the heart and lungs, improving fitness and burning calories. Each of the different skipping moves focuses on a different area of the body, giving you an all round workout, which you can do anytime, anywhere!
Warm Up
Begin by marching on the spot for thirty seconds, bringing your knees up to hip level and swinging your arms. Gradually increase the speed of your march until you are jogging, and jog on the spot for 1 minute. Perform stretches of the quads,hamstrings, and calves, holding each for thirty seconds. Rotate the ankles, 5 times clockwise and anti-clockwise on each side, then 10 arm circles forwards and backwards.
The Workout
Continuous skip 2mins
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/March 30secs x 3
Skier 1min
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/march 30secs x 3
Continuous skip 3mins
Bell Jump 1min
Continuous skip 1min
Running Step 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Double Unders and Crossovers 1min
Cool Down
March on the spot for thirty seconds before performing stretches for the quads, hamstrings, and calves, holding each for thirty seconds
This workout incorporates all of the techniques and tricks that we have outlined. Skipping for 20 minutes will elevate the heart rate, working the heart and lungs, improving fitness and burning calories. Each of the different skipping moves focuses on a different area of the body, giving you an all round workout, which you can do anytime, anywhere!
Warm Up
Begin by marching on the spot for thirty seconds, bringing your knees up to hip level and swinging your arms. Gradually increase the speed of your march until you are jogging, and jog on the spot for 1 minute. Perform stretches of the quads,hamstrings, and calves, holding each for thirty seconds. Rotate the ankles, 5 times clockwise and anti-clockwise on each side, then 10 arm circles forwards and backwards.
The Workout
Continuous skip 2mins
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/March 30secs x 3
Skier 1min
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/march 30secs x 3
Continuous skip 3mins
Bell Jump 1min
Continuous skip 1min
Running Step 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Double Unders and Crossovers 1min
Cool Down
March on the spot for thirty seconds before performing stretches for the quads, hamstrings, and calves, holding each for thirty seconds
Boxing Workout...
Boxing is considered one of the best cardio workouts. For this workout, the heart rate range from 50%-70% of a person's maximum heart rate. This can be easily determined by subtracting the age from 220 and multiplying it by .5 to get the minimum heart rate and multiply it by 7 to get the maximum. Boxing cardio Workout Routines The first step in getting into this workout is to have interval running. It consists of sustained, intense running for a set time and distance. This will condition the body for boxing. Common intervals of distances are 200 - 800 meters. For beginners, workout routine consists of 1-mile warm up, 600 meter run, and 800 meter light jog to cool down. Running should be kept at an intense pace to make the heart rate reach the anaerobic levels. Muscle Groups targeted Boxing involves a lot of muscle groups. These are the bicep, quadriceps, hamstrings, Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles, and Erector Spinae muscle group. In addition, boxing exercises also include the abdominal muscles, internal and external oblique muscles groups, Pectoralis muscle group, and Latissimus muscle group. Cardio workout Preparation Prepare all equipment needed. Do 5-10 minute warm up exercises. Do a 10-minute basic resistance endurance training. This will emphasize the level of speed, endurance, and strength. Do a 5-minute drill, combining multiple punches and defensive work. Do a timed rounds punching light to heavy bags. Cool down by doing a 5-minute stretching to stabilize the heart beat
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
5K Cardio Training Programme
5K Cardio Training Programme
Week Tuesday Thursday Sat/Sun
1 1–1.5 miles 1–1.5 miles easy 1–1.5 miles easy
2 Repeat week 1 Repeat week 1 Repeat week 1
3 1.5 miles mod 1.5 miles mod 1.5 miles easy
4 Repeat week 3 Repeat week 3 Repeat week 3
5 1.5–2 miles moderate 1.5–2 miles mod on hills 1.5–2 miles easy
6 2 miles moderate 2 miles hard 2 miles easy
7 2.5 miles moderate 2.5 miles mod on hills 2.5 miles mod
8 2.5 miles moderate 2.5 miles hard 3 miles easy
9 Repeat week 8 Repeat week 8 Repeat week 8
10 3 miles moderate 3 miles mod on hills 3.5 miles mod
11 3.5 miles moderate 2.5 miles hard 4 miles mod
12 3 miles moderate 2 miles easy Race
Week Tuesday Thursday Sat/Sun
1 1–1.5 miles 1–1.5 miles easy 1–1.5 miles easy
2 Repeat week 1 Repeat week 1 Repeat week 1
3 1.5 miles mod 1.5 miles mod 1.5 miles easy
4 Repeat week 3 Repeat week 3 Repeat week 3
5 1.5–2 miles moderate 1.5–2 miles mod on hills 1.5–2 miles easy
6 2 miles moderate 2 miles hard 2 miles easy
7 2.5 miles moderate 2.5 miles mod on hills 2.5 miles mod
8 2.5 miles moderate 2.5 miles hard 3 miles easy
9 Repeat week 8 Repeat week 8 Repeat week 8
10 3 miles moderate 3 miles mod on hills 3.5 miles mod
11 3.5 miles moderate 2.5 miles hard 4 miles mod
12 3 miles moderate 2 miles easy Race
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Sensational Legs in 3 moves
Beginner Exercises
Intermediate Exercises
Advanced Exercises
No matter what your fitness level, you'll tone your thighs, quads, glutes, and hamstrings with these three exercises.
What You'll Need
A chair, a pair of 5-pound dumbbells, and a mat
1. Lift Series
Target: abs, glutes, hamstrings
Hold chair and hinge forward to a flat back.
Bend left knee, engage abs, squeeze glutes, and lift right leg behind you. Lower and lift 12 times.
Repeat with toes pointed, then with foot flexed.
Switch legs; repeat series.
2. Ballet Pose
Target: abs, quads, hamstrings
Hold chair in front of you and hinge forward until back is flat and parallel to floor. Keep abs engaged and shoulders down.
Lift right leg behind you, foot flexed, left knee slightly bent.
Keeping head down, bring right knee toward chest, then quickly kick it back out.
Do 12 times; switch legs.
3. Rocking Kick
Target: abs, glutes, hamstrings
Place left hand on chair and point right toes.
Engage abs and lift right leg back while hinging forward.
Touch floor with right hand, then pull upper body up and lower right leg (like a seesaw).
Do 12 times; switch legs and repeat
Intermediate Exercises
Advanced Exercises
No matter what your fitness level, you'll tone your thighs, quads, glutes, and hamstrings with these three exercises.
What You'll Need
A chair, a pair of 5-pound dumbbells, and a mat
1. Lift Series
Target: abs, glutes, hamstrings
Hold chair and hinge forward to a flat back.
Bend left knee, engage abs, squeeze glutes, and lift right leg behind you. Lower and lift 12 times.
Repeat with toes pointed, then with foot flexed.
Switch legs; repeat series.
2. Ballet Pose
Target: abs, quads, hamstrings
Hold chair in front of you and hinge forward until back is flat and parallel to floor. Keep abs engaged and shoulders down.
Lift right leg behind you, foot flexed, left knee slightly bent.
Keeping head down, bring right knee toward chest, then quickly kick it back out.
Do 12 times; switch legs.
3. Rocking Kick
Target: abs, glutes, hamstrings
Place left hand on chair and point right toes.
Engage abs and lift right leg back while hinging forward.
Touch floor with right hand, then pull upper body up and lower right leg (like a seesaw).
Do 12 times; switch legs and repeat
Saturday, 9 January 2010
The Hips, Waist, Thighs Workout: Dangerous Curves Ahead
The key is to concentrate as much on the back of your body -- which exercisers often ignore . That means targeting the rear shoulders, upper back, hamstrings, glutes, and obliques, as well as the chest, quads, and abs.
You'll need light, medium, and heavy dumbbells (ranging from 5 to 15 pounds) and a bench. Do the moves three days a week, plus three to five bouts of short but intense cardio, and you'll be flaunting a firmer figure in six weeks!
Standing Oblique Flexion
Targets: Obliques, Abs
Stand with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart, holding medium or heavy dumbbells in each hand with weights at sides, elbows slightly bent, palms in and abs tight.
Slowly slide dumbbell down outside of right thigh as far as you can, bending torso to right while keeping hips square.
Hold for 2 seconds, then slowly draw weight back up thigh to start.
Repeat all reps to right; switch sides.
2. Bench Step-Up
Targets: Thighs, Hips, Glutes, Shoulders
Hold a light- or medium-weight dumbbell in each hand standing next to the bench lengthwise.
Step up with right foot onto the middle of the bench; hold for 3 counts with left leg lifted to side.
Step down with left foot and tap down with the right.
Immediately step back up to the bench with right foot.
Do all reps on this leg, rest for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
3. Reverse Incline Row to Rear Fly
Targets: Rear Shoulders, Upper Back
Part A
Straddle a bench inclined to 45 degrees, pressing chest into top of bench, knees slightly bent.
Hold light or medium dumbbells in each hand, elbows slightly bent with palms in.
Bend elbows and pull weights toward body, keeping arms close to sides.
Lower and repeat.
Part B
From starting position, slowly lift weights out to sides to chest level, keeping elbows slightly bent.
Lower and repeat.
Do 1 set of rows followed by one set of flyes; rest and repeat.
4. Cross-Twist on Bench
Targets: Obliques, Abs, Lower Back
Sit on a flat bench with knees bent and feet flat on the floor or on the seat of the bench.
Lean back slightly, engaging your abdominals.
Punch right fist across outside of left thigh, twisting upper body to the left.
Hold for 3 counts.
Repeat, punching left fist to outside of right thigh.
Continue, alternating punching to each side; keep your upper body lifted and your abdominals engaged throughout the exercise
5. Bench Wide-Grip Push-Up
Targets: Shoulders, Chest, Back, Arms, Abs
Stand facing a flat bench (push bench against a wall for support, if necessary).
Come into a full push-up position with palms placed just wider than shoulder-distance apart on the bench, abs tight.
Bend elbows 90 degrees, lowering chest toward bench.
Hold for 2 counts, then push back to start and repeat.
For an added challenge, alternate lifting one leg for each set.
6. Bent-Knee Deadlift
Targets: Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, Hips
Stand with feet shoulder-distance apart, holding medium-weight dumbbells in each hand, arms at sides with palms in.
Keeping head up, shoulders back, abs tight and knees slightly bent, hinge forward from the hips to slide your butt back.
As you bend forward, slide weights down the legs, gazing slightly ahead of you.
Keeping body weight over heels, slowly return to starting position; repeat.
You'll need light, medium, and heavy dumbbells (ranging from 5 to 15 pounds) and a bench. Do the moves three days a week, plus three to five bouts of short but intense cardio, and you'll be flaunting a firmer figure in six weeks!
Standing Oblique Flexion
Targets: Obliques, Abs
Stand with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart, holding medium or heavy dumbbells in each hand with weights at sides, elbows slightly bent, palms in and abs tight.
Slowly slide dumbbell down outside of right thigh as far as you can, bending torso to right while keeping hips square.
Hold for 2 seconds, then slowly draw weight back up thigh to start.
Repeat all reps to right; switch sides.
2. Bench Step-Up
Targets: Thighs, Hips, Glutes, Shoulders
Hold a light- or medium-weight dumbbell in each hand standing next to the bench lengthwise.
Step up with right foot onto the middle of the bench; hold for 3 counts with left leg lifted to side.
Step down with left foot and tap down with the right.
Immediately step back up to the bench with right foot.
Do all reps on this leg, rest for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
3. Reverse Incline Row to Rear Fly
Targets: Rear Shoulders, Upper Back
Part A
Straddle a bench inclined to 45 degrees, pressing chest into top of bench, knees slightly bent.
Hold light or medium dumbbells in each hand, elbows slightly bent with palms in.
Bend elbows and pull weights toward body, keeping arms close to sides.
Lower and repeat.
Part B
From starting position, slowly lift weights out to sides to chest level, keeping elbows slightly bent.
Lower and repeat.
Do 1 set of rows followed by one set of flyes; rest and repeat.
4. Cross-Twist on Bench
Targets: Obliques, Abs, Lower Back
Sit on a flat bench with knees bent and feet flat on the floor or on the seat of the bench.
Lean back slightly, engaging your abdominals.
Punch right fist across outside of left thigh, twisting upper body to the left.
Hold for 3 counts.
Repeat, punching left fist to outside of right thigh.
Continue, alternating punching to each side; keep your upper body lifted and your abdominals engaged throughout the exercise
5. Bench Wide-Grip Push-Up
Targets: Shoulders, Chest, Back, Arms, Abs
Stand facing a flat bench (push bench against a wall for support, if necessary).
Come into a full push-up position with palms placed just wider than shoulder-distance apart on the bench, abs tight.
Bend elbows 90 degrees, lowering chest toward bench.
Hold for 2 counts, then push back to start and repeat.
For an added challenge, alternate lifting one leg for each set.
6. Bent-Knee Deadlift
Targets: Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, Hips
Stand with feet shoulder-distance apart, holding medium-weight dumbbells in each hand, arms at sides with palms in.
Keeping head up, shoulders back, abs tight and knees slightly bent, hinge forward from the hips to slide your butt back.
As you bend forward, slide weights down the legs, gazing slightly ahead of you.
Keeping body weight over heels, slowly return to starting position; repeat.
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