Thursday, 10 June 2010

New Workout Plan of the week

Have Been Using this routine with a couple of clients in the last few weeks and it seems to be a real winner... if you fancy a challange have a go at this and let me know if anything happens

Treadmill – running for eight minutes at 6.5mph to warm the legs up for intensive leg work
Bodyweight squats: A few sets of 2–25 squats, followed by dumbbell rows while in squat position
Reverse Lunges: 2 – 3 sets per leg of 12 lunges
Squat Jumps - plyometric set of squats with a dynamic jump up afterwards.
Bicep Curls while standing in a Lunge position – 18 reps. This is supersetted with;
Lateral Raises from a Lunge Position (switch leg position) 1 set of 18 reps. This superset is done for 3 sets
Dumbbell Triceps Extension (laying on back): 2 – 3 sets of 20 reps
Treadmill – running for eight minutes at 6.5mph
Incline Crunches: 20 reps
Prone Kneeling Leg Extensions: 2-3 sets per leg x 18 reps per set
Treadmill: 7 minutes of gentle jogging to cool down
Forward Lunges: 2 – 3 sets of 20 reps
Travelling (walking) Lunges: These are just lunges but instead of staying in place you walk across the room. If this is too easy, try doing it holding a pair of dumbbells at your side.

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