Monday, 8 March 2010

Skipping workout

20 minute Skipping Programme
This workout incorporates all of the techniques and tricks that we have outlined. Skipping for 20 minutes will elevate the heart rate, working the heart and lungs, improving fitness and burning calories. Each of the different skipping moves focuses on a different area of the body, giving you an all round workout, which you can do anytime, anywhere!

Warm Up
Begin by marching on the spot for thirty seconds, bringing your knees up to hip level and swinging your arms. Gradually increase the speed of your march until you are jogging, and jog on the spot for 1 minute. Perform stretches of the quads,hamstrings, and calves, holding each for thirty seconds. Rotate the ankles, 5 times clockwise and anti-clockwise on each side, then 10 arm circles forwards and backwards.

The Workout
Continuous skip 2mins
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/March 30secs x 3
Skier 1min
Fast skip or Double Unders 30secs/march 30secs x 3
Continuous skip 3mins
Bell Jump 1min
Continuous skip 1min
Running Step 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Straddle 1min
Continuous 1min
Double Unders and Crossovers 1min

Cool Down
March on the spot for thirty seconds before performing stretches for the quads, hamstrings, and calves, holding each for thirty seconds

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