Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Special One....

This workout...taxes your cardiovascular system while at the same time building up your strength and muscle endurance...the only equipment needed for this is a DICE and more important GUTS to get it done..

Stage 1.... Roll the dice to get your excerice..follow this guide 6 numbers 6 excercises

1.. Push ups

2.. Squat " body weighted "

3.. Moutain climber

4.. sit up / crunches

5.. Jumping Jacks

6.. Lunge ( alternating leg to leg )

Stage 2.

Roll the dice again to get the number of sets..what happens if you roll the same number on the second roll that u did on the could get interesting.

each routine should be done to 20 reps if possible, well thats if you can make it through the challange that is.

Have Fun peeps

Treadmill workout...september month/new challange

Set treadmill incline at 1.0% and warm up for 5 min at 60% of maximum heart rate

Raise incline to 2.0% and run 1 minute at 80-85% of maximum heart rate

Run 1 minute at 55-60% of maximum heart rate

Continue alternating these two intervals for 20minutes at the very least....

again have fun and once again it will make a difference thats a promise

New September Cardio Workout

Jump Rope 1 Min without resting,

Do 30 push ups for 30 secondswithout resting

Jump rope for 30 secondswithout resting

Do push ups for 30 seconds rest 1 minute and repeat.

Continue in this fashion for 20 minutes of total work.... does make a difference i can assure you of that