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Nov 2011 New lower body routine
On Your Mark
Targets: Shoulders, arms, abs, and butt
- Start on all fours, hands under shoulders and back flat.
- Step left foot forward on floor by left hand, left knee bent 90 degrees.
- Extend left leg behind you, raising it as high as you can, toes pointed.
- Quickly return left foot to floor by left hand.
- Do 15 to 30 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
Saddlebag Slimmer
Targets: Abs, butt, and inner and outer thighs
- Start on all fours, then lower right hip to floor so that hips, knees, and ankles are stacked.
- Bring left knee into chest as you bend elbows to lower chest toward floor.
Lunge Leg Lift
Targets: Abs, butt, hamstrings, and quads
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then lunge back with left leg, raising arms in front of you to shoulder height.
- Stand up on right leg, knee slightly bent, and lift left knee to hip height in front of you.
- Extend left leg behind you as you hinge forward at hips and bring hands to hips.
- Return to knee-lift position with arms at shoulder height, then step back to lunge position to complete 1 rep.
- Do 15 to 30 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
Wall Kick
Targets: Abs, butt, and inner thighs
- Stand facing a wall, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and place hands on wall at shoulder height.
- MAKE IT HARDER: Maintain position without a wall.
- Hinge forward at hips and raise left leg behind you to hip level, bending knee so that heel nears butt.
- Bring left knee into chest, then extend leg directly behind you. Return knee to chest and repeat.
- Do 15 to 30 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
Tabletop on Toes
Targets: Shoulders, arms, abs, butt, quads, and calves
- Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat. Lean torso back slightly and place palms on floor under shoulders.
- Lift hips off floor so that body forms a tabletop position with torso parallel to floor; raise heels off floor.
- Make it easier : Keep feet flat.
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