Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Back Workout Plan

Do 3-4 sets for each exercise and perform 10-12 repetions for each:

1. Dumbbell Row
To strengthen the muscles of the upper back
• Start by taking a big step forwards with your right leg and rest your right arm on that extended leg.
• Now bend over keeping your back arched and let the weight hang down in your other arm
• Keeping your back arched, pull the weight up to your chest with your palm facing you (exhale) and focus on using the back muscles to do all of the work instead of your arm.
• Lower the weight all the way back down until you feel a good stretch in the upper back muscles (inhale) and then repeat with the same arm until fatigued before switching to the other arm.

2. Back extensions on the ball
To strengthen the muscles of the lower back (spinal erectors) and buttocks (gluteal group).
• Kneel down in front of a ball and then, lie down on top of it so that the ball is under your stomach and your knees remain touching the ground.
• Place your hands placed behind your head and slowly raise your upper body until it becomes parallel with the lower body (exhale).
• Make sure to keep the knees in contact with the floor and then return back to the starting position (inhale) and give yourself a nice stretch before repeating.

3. Bent over rows
To strengthen and tone the muscles of the upper and lower back
• Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
• Holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend at hips with back straight and let your arms hang down to floor).
• Keeping elbows close to body, pull the weight up to your body and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement.
• Return to start position and then repeat.

4. Upright rows
To improve the muscular strength in the upper- back and neck
• Start standing straight up with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp a dumbbell in each hand.
• Then lift the weight up to your shoulders (exhale) keeping your elbows pointing up as if you had a string attached at the elbow and someone was lifting them up.
• Slowly return back to the starting position (inhale) while making sure your back stays arched and head is straight.

5. Deadlifts
To develop the lower back muscles with some emphasis on the upper-back neck and legs.
• Grasp your dumbbells shoulder width apart.
• Start the lift with the legs by bending at the knees (inhale) while keeping your head up and your back arched.
• Lower the weight slowly and once the weights reach your knees, return back to the starting position by bending at the waist first and continue to straighten up until you are standing as tall as possible (exhale

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