Tuesday, 15 September 2009
How To Burn Fat & Muscle
I don’t really need this question to be answered, but im writing this for people who need an answer. Ive seen many people say that lifting weights does burn fat, which is true but is not always the best option. The actual action of weight lifting doesn’t burn alot of fat, but more develops muscle. The muscle developed through weightlifting is what burns fat. The more muscle you have, the more energy you need to sustain performance. Even as you sit around, your muscle eat up energy to keep going, so a person with more muscle will be able to lose more fat and keep it off. If you are looking to only burn fat, the best option would be cardio, this includes jogging, swimming, bike riding, sports, and anything else that makes you huff and puff. But, most people want to also stay in shape. To stay in shape, you should do both cardio and gym workouts. Now, why would you want to do both if cardio can burn your fat anyways. Because the cardio will burn off your fat, and the workouts in the gym will also burn your fat, but at the same time develop muslce which will help you keep the fat off or burn more. Ive seen many people go from fat to skinny and become fat again because they have little muscle or think they can go back to eatting all sorts of crap because they got skinny. Eating healthy is extremely important. If your serious about losing weight and or gaining muscle you have to drop the fast food, infact, try to stop eating out all together, absolutely no sodas, and no cookies and yum yums. Also sports drinks are NO GOOD. sports drinks do not help you burn fat, they give you more carbs and calories to give you more energy to stay in the game longer….when working out, these carbs and calories undo what you are trying to do in the first place….and by sports drinks i also mean vitamin water. Water should be your only drink but another alternative to water is whey isolate (protein). Most people say eat meat and eat it alot when ur trying to lose weight…..WRONG. Meat also contains fat, the very substance you are trying to burn off. Whey isolate protein gives you lots of protein without the fat, calories, or carbs. The best thing is that its a powder you mix in with water, which can give you anywhere from 20 - 28 grams of protein per serving. Protein will help you rebuild your muscles faster and stronger. By faster I do not mean that you will be ripped the next day, it just means that you wont be as sore the day after you workout like most people are, also the protein will add a little more muscle to your body. When you workout, you basically create microtears in your muscles which are filled in when you rest, thats how you gain more muscle. The protein adds a little more and does it faster. Whey isolate gives you the protein of one whole chicken in about two servings….without the fat and grease. If you are looking to burn fat and keep it off, i would suggest working on a rotating schedule. Ill give you my schedule, since i play ultimate firsbee i have training sessions in which we run alot (cardio). So on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, I have practice which is my cardio. On tuesdays, thrusdays, and saturdays i hit the gym and workout for about an hour and a half and then go swim laps for about an hour. Sunday I rest up and do no cardio or gym but it is good to go for a light jog in the morning so you dont feel sore all day because you already gave ur muscles a headstart. after every workout, whatever is may be, i drink whey isolate and make sure i get atleast 7 hours of sleep, i usually get around 8 or 9 though. To sumarize for people who dont wantt o read the whole thing i just wrote. If you want to burn fat, do cardio. If you want to gain muscle, hit the gym, if you want to burn fat and keep it off do cardio and gym. Drink lots of water, nothing but water and healthy food if you are serious. If you want to you may drink whey isolate after you workout because it helps you, but only whey which is low in fat, carbs, and calories which is called whey isolate 28. Also, make sure you stretch before you do anything, stretching makes sure your muscles are ready for what you are a bout to do and it also helps them keep up, thus helping you more. Also, warm up with cardio before you workout, i do a half a mile on the tredmill. The magic numbers for the gym are 3 sets, 10 reps each. Lifting means doing the movement with full force, but returning to starting position slowly, dont just lift fast and think youll burn for fat. Slow is good! When you are doing chest presses for example, push out hard but return to your stating position slowly, do nice full reps and youll feel a good burn. A good way to tell if your doing enough for yourself at the gym is to do push ups and sit ups after your done with everything. When your done with all your workouts, go off to the side and do 10 pushups, if you cant do 10 and you can normally then that means youve worked enough, if you can do it and feel a burn then try to push a bit harder, increase the reps by 2 or 3. If you can do good ones without a problem, find a routine where you cannot do them after. Same with sit ups, do them so you feel the burn. Also you will probably see some results in 3-4 weeks, such as loss of weight, some muscle definition but dont expect to see extremem results fast, it take dedication and willpower. Also, losing more than 3 pounds a week is unhealthy. Also, a very good thing to do is try to walk to places if possible, if the groceries are nearby then walk to the store, buy ur stuff and walk back home, the groceries are mini weights and you still get cardio….stuff like that. Nothing here comes easy, you have to work for it, hope this helps.well i wrote this because as far as i know this stuff works both for me ad others and i know from my own experience that this works. I’m not gonna go into detail because im just looking to answer some questions ive been asked before…take what advice you can, u dont have to even take anything if u dont wanti agree that maybe my cardio warm up thing may not be correct but it has worked and again thats why i put it in here. As for the meat thing i can say yeah its true…eating lots of meat is not only unhealthy but your just putting on more fat, carbs, and calories. Obviously eat some meat but finding alternatives is much better, like i said about the protein isolate. You get protein just without the bad stuff. Ive tried the whole meat thing and i lost much less weight then I did when i didnt eat as much meat.it is true that changing the weights and reps result in different things but my numbers are just a start, you should develop your own number.
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